Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mixed feelings. Abstract painting.

I just finished another painting, just before the Holidays, I am not sure of how much time I will have to paint during the month of December, but I hope to finish one more at least. The picture is down below.
This one is a big abstract painting, with lots of colors, turquoise blue, reds, browns and greens.
It looks really pretty in person, the pictures never do any justice I think.
I am ready to display some of my art at a Coffee Shop in Downtown Roseville, CA. The place it's called  Shady Coffee and Tea.

They will be there December 2nd for a month more or less.
Here is a link to the place They will have live music on the weekends.
Go visit if you have time. Thank you for your comments.

Shady Coffee and Tea

He acabado otra pintura antes de las Navidades. No se cuanto tiempo tendre de pintar en el mes de Diciembre pero espero por lo menos acabar una pintura mas.
El dia 2 de Diciembre tendre algunas de mis pinturas  colgadas en una cafeteria de Roseville que se llama Shady Coffee and Tea.
Los fines de semana tienen a grupos locales tocando musica. Pasate por ahi a verlo si tienes tiempo.

"Mixed feelings"
Acrylic on Canvas 30" x 40"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Flechazo, my new painting.

I just finished my last painting and I love it....It was so much fun to paint something like this and not to worry about if it looks right or if the proportions are the way that they should be. It was a different feeling for me to paint something that does not have to represent something. Just adding paint as you go, relaxing and letting it develop by its own.

It is called Flechazo, in Spanish, it's the arrow that piers your heart when you fall in love.

Aqui esta mi nueva pintura. Me ha gustado mucho pintar algo asi, donde no te tiens que preocupar si el brazo de la chica esta bien hecho y parece un brazo normal o no, donde solo tienes que preocuparte de poner colores donde tu crees que van a quedar mejor y relajarte y pasartelo bien. Es diferente pintar algo asi y ha sido muy divertido.
Se titula Flechazo, si miras bien veras un corazon que tiene una flecha pasando por medio.

Acrylic on Canvas 24" x 36"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Autumn Aspens painting

I am very excited about my last painting I just finished last night.
It is made with 2 canvas not just one. It looks very contemporary and I love the bold fall colors, also the texture of the trees.
I like it a lot, I am going to post in on my Etsy shop also.

Estoy muy contenta con mi nueva pintura, que acabe anoche. Me encantan los colores del fondo de los arboles y la textura de los arboles en si. Tambien que en vez de ser un liezo son dos delgados, queda muy moderno asi. La voy a poner tambien en mi tienda de Etsy.

"Autumn Aspens"
Acrylic on 2 Canvas, each 11" x 31"