I want to share with you in this blog my passion for art. Painting or creating is a big part of my life.---
I am interested in art as a means of living a life, not as means of making a living. -Robert Henri.---
No tengas miedo a la perfeccion, nunca la alcanzaras.- Salvador Dali. (Don't be afraid of perfeccion, you will never reach it)
This week it's appreciation week at my kid's school.
I donated one of my paintings for a gift basket that each classroom made for the school teachers.
Congratulations Ms. Kamrar, from 6th grade. I hope you like your basket and your new painting. :)
Here is a picture of the painting.
Esta semana es la semana de aprecio a las profesoras o profesores en el colegio de mis hijos.
Esta es una pintura que done al colegio. Iban a hacer una cesta con regalos para las profesoras. Cada clase estaba encargada de hacer una cesta y luego iban a hacer una rifa entre las profesoras.
Espero que le haya gustado a la ganadora, profesora de 6 grado.
Last Saturday we did the kids art Fundraiser with Whole Foods to support the countries where Whole Foods gets their organic supplies, like chocolate and coffee.
The kids at the art studio (Kids Studio of Fine Arts) and the instructors donated over 100 paintings or drawings. So here are some of the pictures from this fun event. Thank you so much for coming to see it and your support.
El sabado pasado hicimos una exhibicion de arte y venta con mas de 100 dibujos y pinturas que donaron los ninos y los instructores de el estudio donde enseno clases. Kids Studio of Fine Arts.
El dinero que sacasemos iba a ser donado a los paises de donde el supermercado Whole Foods compra el chocolate y el cafe organico. E ahi porque los dibujos tienen que ver con el tema.
Fue muy divertido y los ninos estaban muy felices de ver sus dibujos en venta :)
Here is my new girl. She is so beautiful and she looks so sweet. I love the colors of her skin. And the background too. I can't wait to paint another one...
Aqui esta mi nueva chica, me encanta como ha quedado. Los colores de la piel son muy bonitos. El fondo tambien me gusta mucho. Que ganas tengo de pintar otra ahora...
Take a moment to read this beautiful quote about life.
“This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit. If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life is simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once; seize them. Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating. Live your dream, and wear your passion. Life is short.”
I just read this quote and I really like it so here it goes...just a reminder for all of us.
"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever..." Isak Dinesen.
He leido esto hoy y me ha gustado asi que lo pongo aqui para poder recordarlo de vez en cuando, cuando pensamos que estamos estresados por algun motivo. Pintar hace que a veces mire las cosas de diferente manera, y pueda ver algo bonito que antes ni siquiera me hubiese dado cuenta que estaba ahi. Como los pequenos detalles y lo rutinario. Bueno hay va...
Tiempos dificiles me han hecho entender mejor que antes, como de bonita y rica es la vida en cada sentido, y que muchas de las cosas de las que nos preocupamos tanto, no son en realidad nada importantes.
I am excited to post my first sculpture, made of polymer clay.
It was a lot of fun to do it, I wish a had more time and I could make a lot of them. Maybe in the future.
Here is the picture...Let me know what you think.
The pictures are not so great, it's late and with the flash it shines too much...bummer, but you get the idea.
Also I have been working on a painting for a donation for Whole Foods. They are going to have an Art Sale with art from some local artists and the kids from the studio where I teach art (Kids Studio of Fine Arts). The money is going to go to the countries were Whole Foods gets their Organic food, like chocolate and coffee, to help support those businesses.
The date of the Art Sale is set for Saturday March 24th 2012 @ Whole Foods in Roseville, California from 11 AM to 2 PM. I hope to see you there....
"Organic Soul"
Mixed media and acrylic on canvas
Also I want to thank Kim, for purchasing my Safira Girl from my online store, Etsy. She is going to look great in your home I am sure. Thank you for your support Kim.
Bueno, Hay va mi primera escultura. Esta hecha de algo que se llama arcilla polimer, creo, no estoy segura si se llama asi en Espanol. Pero es como la plastelina mas o menos, y luego lo tienes que meter en el horno. Es muy divertido la verdad.
La foto no esta muy bien porque con el flash sale el brillo pero por lo menos os haceis a la idea.
Y la segunda foto es un cuadro para una donacion que estamos haciendo en el estudio de arte donde doy clases.
Y finalmente, quiero darle las gracias a Kim por comprar mi pintura Safira, la chica azul, desde mi tienda de Internet, Etsy. Si quiereis pasaros por ella hay un link arriba en la pagina principal.
Gracias a todos por vuestros comentarios de nuevo y vuestro apoyo.
Wow, it has been a bit busy this week but now that everything is done, it feels good. I have run around places and carried my art from one place to another this week all over town. It feels good to see it hanging in different places so people can see it.
If you are around the Downtown library in Roseville, CA, the Civic Center in Vernon Street , Shady Coffee and Tea or Kona Coffee in Rocklin, take a look on the walls. The art would be there for at least a month. The Civic Center also has other local artist displaying their art. Noelia