Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Art for the new E.P. cover of Love Royale

I'm excited to be part of a wonderful local band. Love Royale is using one of my paintings for their new E.P cover.  Thank you David and Megan. Here is a link of this wonderful group. Their music is very inspiring. 

Hola. Un grupo de musica local va a usar una de mis pinturas para su nuevo cd. Aqui esta la pintura. El grupo se llama Love Royale. Gracias David y Megan. :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

A pick of my corner studio

Today I took some pictures of my little studio so I can remember what it looks like in the future. I'm planning to move it to a shed but first I have to get it all fix and ready. I like to see where other artist work and how they have it all set up. Also it makes me feel better to see that I'm not the only messy artist out there. Right now my corner is pretty organize. Is not like this usually. 
Here are the pics.  

Este es mi rincincillo en el salon donde pinto. Por ahora. En un futuro tendre todo en una caseta en el jardin   Pero primero hay que arreglarla y prepararla. Asi que de momento estoy aqui. He hecho fotos para acordarme de como es mi pequeno estudio. No se necesita mucho espacio pero estaria genial tener mas. Aqui estan las fotos.