Monday, October 31, 2011

New Art Store Online

I just wanted to let you know that my Etsy store is open and I am very excited to share that with you.
At the moment I only have a few paintings there but little by little I will be adding more and more.

Check it out when you have a moment
The store it's called Artbynoeliac

Here is a link.

Thanks a lot and Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall painting. Pintura otonal.

Here is my last painting. This month has been a bit too busy so I only had the chance to finish one painting.
I love the colors and the feeling of falling leaves, and the cozy weather of Autumn.

Este mes solo he tenido tiempo de acabar una pintura. Se titula el Otono esta en el aire. Me gustan los colores otonales y el tiempo que hace, tambiem me recuerda mucho  a cuando era pequena y en Septiembre volviamos al cole. Me encanta  el otono.

"Fall is in the air"
Acrylic on canvas 18" x 24"

For any information about any of my work please contact me.
Click on the painting for a closer look.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Painting of New York.

I just finished this new painting. You can see it bigger by clicking on the picture.

Acabo de terminar una nueva pintura de Nueva York, es un encargo para una clienta. Puedes hacer click en la foto y la veras mas grande.

Memories of N.Y.
        Acrylic on Canvas 12" x 24"