Sunday, April 15, 2012

New painting on Etsy. Nueva pintura en Etsy.

I just posted my last painting on Etsy.  It's a beautiful Nude in pink colors. Here its a picture of her.
I love the rich red background against her skin color of soft pinks and yellows.
Acabo de poner mi ultima pintura en Etsy (mi galeria de arte online) y he pensado en ponerla aqui tambien.
Me encanta el color del fondo que hace que su piel sea mas luminosa con esos colores rosas y amarillos.

"Lucy Lu"
Acrylic on Canvas
18" x 36"
45 cm x 91 cm

Saturday, April 14, 2012


 Mother's day it's around the corner and I just added a few paintings on my Etsy shop. What a better gift than some Original Art coming from the heart. She is worth it, and you know it.
Also there is coupon for free shipping until mother's day. The code is FREEMOTHERSDAY.
If you are local, then you can contact me and get a discount for the same shipping amount.

Check them out. Also I will be adding more paintings today or tomorrow.

Click here to visit Etsy Shop