Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Last paintings of the month.

  I had time to finish two more paintings, they are not really big but they look very pretty I think. Click on the painting to see a close up.

I had fix also the problem with the comments so now I think it is working, try again.
Also, I am on the process of opening a store in Etsy. I will let you know when it is done. In case you don't know what it is, it's an online store for arts and crafts.    The picture of the second painting did not came out as good as the painting looks, sorry, much better in person.

"Chiharu Vase"
16" x 20" Acrylic on canvas

"Soothing Wind"
18" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas with metallic paint.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chiharu SAKAI playing the piano at the Tsunami Benefit.

Here you can watch this video of the beautiful music that Chiharu  played for us at the Fundraiser.

Aqui hay un video de la artista que toco el piano en la exposicion de arte que hice con ella para conseguir dinero para ayudar a las victimas de Japon por el Tsunami.  Chiharu es profesora de piano en la Universidad de Kyoto en Japon.

Youtube video of Chiharu paying the piano

Enjoy. Espero que os guste.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thank you for your support.

I would like to thank everyone that was able to go to the fundraiser last Saturday. Also all of you that had all the best intentions of going and were not able to make it. We will do another one again, so don't worry.
It was a lot of fun, and the music was incredibly beautiful. Thank you Chiharu for an amazing time.
And thank you again for all  your support. Donations were made to the Red Cross thanks to you.

Here are some pictures from the event.

Friday, September 9, 2011

One more day. Saturday Sep 10 Music and Art.

Tomorrow is the fundraiser I had been waiting and preparing for so long. I hope you guys can make it and have a good time. I think is going to be really nice.
See you there tomorrow, Saturday at 4 pm at Sherman Clay, Roseville, CA

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Painting of Safira.

Only one more week for the Music and Art Fundraiser, next Saturday, Sept 10th from 4 to 6 at Sherman Clay, Roseville, CA. next to the Nugget Market. The event is free, please come and join us.

I just finished painting this girl for the event. Her name is Safira. I hope you like it.

Acrylic on canvas
15" x 30"