Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Huge Abstract painting. Pintura abstracta enorme.

This is my biggerst painting ever, I really really like big paintings. It was challenging and fun at the same time to do something so big.
I love the bold colors. Also I have a thing for Italy and it brings great memories to think about it.
The paintings is 46" x 46".  The picture is not that great.

Esta es la pintura mas grande que he hecho hasta el momento. Ha sido divertido pero tambien un poco dificil pintar algo de ese tamano. Al menos se me ha quitado el miedo y ya estoy lista para la proxima.
Me gustan los colores que tiene. Mide mas o menos un 1.16 metros de ancho por lo mismo de largo.
La foto no le hace justicia en mi opinion, hay que verlo de cerca.

Acrylic on gallery canvas
46" x 46"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Back to painting.

New Year, new things to try. I just finished this painting last night. It is a new style for me. I had never try to paint something like this, I really like it, it is out of my comfort zone but I am planning to get better and better at it. I really like this Pop Art style and I am very happy with the end result for being the first time...

Here it goes, do you think you know who he is? I hope so, I think the mustache gives it away, jejeje.

Bueno, este ano he decidido empezarlo probando algo nuevo. He pintando este cuadro estilo Pop Art.
No ha quedado mal por ser la primera vez que lo intento, estoy bastante contentilla con el resultado.
Me gustan los colores y lo simple que es. Tambien me gustan mucho sus pinturas y lo creativo que era.
Lo reconoces? Creo que el bigotillo lo dice todo. jejeje
Ahi va.

Acrylic on canvas
16" x 20"