Sunday, November 17, 2013

Two abstract paintings

Here I'm today. I'm excited about how this last two paintings came out. They have lots of texture. Aqui estan mis ultimas dos pinturas. Tienen mucha textura. Las dos son acrilicos. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sin reglas. Without rules

Painting without rules. It's the best. I feel we have too many rules to follow in our world.  This is my scape from all of that. Traffic rules. Rules of how I have to behave. Rules of where to park at the school when I'm going to pick up my kids. Rules rules rules and more rules. That is. I'm sick of following. At least I can paint whatever I want. That makes me happy. Try sometime.  Good for the soul. Grab some paint. Put on some music and a glass or two of wine and have fun. 
This painting is call just that. Sin reglas. 

Pintar sin reglas. Es lo mejor. Creo que tenemos demasiadas reglas que seguir. Esta es mi escapada de eso. Reglas reglas y mas reglas. Al menos puedo pintar lo que quiera y como quiera asi que hay va mi pintura sin reglas. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Art for the new E.P. cover of Love Royale

I'm excited to be part of a wonderful local band. Love Royale is using one of my paintings for their new E.P cover.  Thank you David and Megan. Here is a link of this wonderful group. Their music is very inspiring. 

Hola. Un grupo de musica local va a usar una de mis pinturas para su nuevo cd. Aqui esta la pintura. El grupo se llama Love Royale. Gracias David y Megan. :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

A pick of my corner studio

Today I took some pictures of my little studio so I can remember what it looks like in the future. I'm planning to move it to a shed but first I have to get it all fix and ready. I like to see where other artist work and how they have it all set up. Also it makes me feel better to see that I'm not the only messy artist out there. Right now my corner is pretty organize. Is not like this usually. 
Here are the pics.  

Este es mi rincincillo en el salon donde pinto. Por ahora. En un futuro tendre todo en una caseta en el jardin   Pero primero hay que arreglarla y prepararla. Asi que de momento estoy aqui. He hecho fotos para acordarme de como es mi pequeno estudio. No se necesita mucho espacio pero estaria genial tener mas. Aqui estan las fotos. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

September art displays

Wow. It has been a little bit busy. Now I have art a two coffee shops around town for this month. Bloom coffee and tea and Shady coffee. It you have never been there before come to check it out. Both in Roseville CA. The coffee is amazing. Both really really cute places. Let me know what you think if you go. :)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

World of shapes

No comments.  Not sure what to think of the painting yet. :)

Sin comentarios. No se que pensar de la pintura. Jejeje 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bloom no matter what.

Here is my laters painting. I like the mute colors. And the feeling of the flowers blooming and getting to grow beautiful not matter the circumstances. It's a big painting, made with acrylic and ink and mixed media. I will hang it next month at one of my favorite coffee shop in the area. (Bloom Coffee and Tea) along with other paintings.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Industriale I & II

Two more paintings. Abstract art. Getting ready to show some of my pieces at one of my favorites coffee shops in Roseville. I will display my art at Bloom Coffee and Tea for the month of September.  Come and check it out if you have a change. Their coffee is really good. 

First picture is of the 2 paintings together. The other ones are close ups. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

New artwork.

My last painting. I had name it Scars. 
Mi ultima pintura. Se titula Cicatrices.  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Gitana, que ves?

Here is my last painting. I absolutely love it. She looks to me like one of those gypsies that can read the future looking at your hand. I wonder what she can see? ;)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My new girl

I just finished a new girl painting. I'm having a lot of fun painting lately

This one is made with acrylic paint and palette knife . .

She does not have a name yet. Any ideas? My little girl said avatar. ;) I don't want her to be related with the movie. But it's a great movie that's for sure.

I'm thinking Le femme. I like French and Italian words. ;)

Esta es mi nueva Chica pintada con acrilico y espatula.
Todavia no tiene nombre. Mi hija dice que la llame avatar pero creo que paso. La veo mas sofisticada. Creo que al final la llamare algo en frances como Le femme. Alguna otra idea?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Yesterday's art craft fair

Wow. It has been a little busy this past 2 weeks getting ready for the art and craft fair but now is done. Another one next month at the same place.
It was a fun day. A little bit hot but really nice afternoon. I want to thank everyone for coming and visit me and all your nice comments about my work.

Here are some pictures.

Estas dos ultimas semanas he estado bastante ocupada preparando para la feria de arte y manualidades. Pero ya paso. Estare ahi este verano creo que cada primer viernes del mes.

Hacia calor pero por la tarde refresco y se estaba genial. Me recordaba a España en las tardes de verano.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Kids studio of fine arts.

Check out the summer camps we are offering at the studio where I teach art. Wonderful time for the kids this summer.

The studio is called Kids studio of fine arts.
Located in Roseville CA.

Spots fill out fast. Don't wait too long.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Art craft fair at the Fountains

Only 5 more days for the summer art craft fair at the Fountains in Roseville CA.

This Friday May 3rd come and visit this wonderful craft show happening every first Friday of every summer month until September.

Lost of things to see and do. I hope to see you there. Starts at 6 pm.

Also here is my last painting. It's an oil painting. Very fun to paint a portrait with oil. I love it. It's still drying so I can't bring it to the fair. Bummer. ;)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Art display at Martha R. Library.

From the month of May to the end of June you can view my art at the Martha Raley library in Roseville, California . Thank you for all your support.

Desde principios del mes de Mayo hasta finales de Junio puedes ver algunas de mis pinturas en la biblioteca nueva de Roseville, California.

Monday, April 1, 2013

View my art

Come see my art in person if you have a chance this month of April at a coffee shop in Roseville, California.

The coffee shop is called Shady Coffee. Really cute place with great coffee and many more. Located Downtown Roseville at 325 Douglas Blvd.

Also here is my last painting that I just finished yesterday.

Oil painting with very bright colors.

Hola. Aqui esta mi ultima pintura. Esta hecha en oleo. Colores muy alegres.

Tambien acabo de colgar 13 pinturas en una cafeteria en Roseville. Se llama Shady Coffee. Pasate a verlas si puedes. ;)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Four new paintings.

Here is my "Angry girl". She has an attitude today. ;). After that comes "The three fates". I love the technique used on that one The colors are so pretty. And the last two paintings are oil paintings of abstract flowers and vases. Oil painting is soooo much fun. So nice to blend the paint that way. And the colors are amazing. I love it. So here they are. I hope you like them too. Ups, now they are all in a different order for some reason. Oh well.

Aqui estan mis nuevas pinturas. La primera es de mi Chica enfadada. La segunda son tres hermanas de la mitologia griega. Me encantan los colores que han salido con las capas de pintura finas unas encima de otras.
Y las dos ultimas estan hechas con oleo. Son dos cuadros abstractos de botijos con flores. Bueno se me han cambiado de orden. No importa. Espero que os gusten .

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Getting ready

Getting ready for a few art shows.
This summer every 1st Friday of the month, from May to September I will be part of the craft and art fair happening at the Fountains in Roseville, CA.

Also for the month of April I will be featuring my art at a cute coffee shop also in downtown Roseville called Shady Coffee. Stop by and let me know what you think. ;)

Here are a few of the new paintings.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Art, art and more art

I'm not sure of what had happened but I painted a lot this past week and here are the results. ;)

Two flower paintings. ( I had put them together to take the picture)
One crazy colors girl face and a watercolor painting.

Here they are .....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Self portrait

I had painted this a few months ago. But I did not remember to post it until now.
Interesting painting I think. I love the squares even in the face. ;)

Pinte este autoretrato hace unos meses ya pero se me olvido ponerlo en el blog.
Me gustan los cuadrados. ;)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Art quote

Today I had found this definition of art and I think it's perfect. I love it. ;)

Painting, like music, has nothing to do with reproduction of nature, nor interpretation of intellectual meanings. Whoever is able to feel the beauty of colors and forms has understood non-objective [abstract] painting."

-- Hilla Rebay, The Beauty of Non-Objectivity (quoted in Modern Art and Modernism: A Critical Anthology, edited by Francis Frascina and Charles Harrison, p145)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Another one

This is my other new one. Abstraction base on a beautiful place that brings me memories of going with my family and my sister. Golden gate. Acrylic on canvas 18in x 24in.

Otro cuadro nuevo. Este es una abstracion de un lugar que me trae buenas memorias de cuando fui por primera vez con mi hermana. Se titula Golden gate. Es acrilico en lienzo de unos 45 cm por 60.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Finally painting again

I just finished a new abstract painting and I am very happy with the end result. It all started with just knowing what colors I wanted to used and end up being a whale swimming happily ;)

I'm glad I am able to paint again. I miss it soooo much. It has been a crazy busy few months moving from one house to another one. But now I'm ready for more. And I can't wait to have my new studio.
I have called it Blue Whale (Ballena azul) and it's an acrylic painting on a 15'x 30 canvas.